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iPhone apps for movies

This season "Avatar" is breaking all kind of box offices records. but what if you don't want to go outside in this blood jamming weather. Just stay at home and snuggle up with your partner. Because iPhone apps for movies are available now to watch movies at home with a mop corn bucket and a soda bottle.
Here are some iPhone movie apps.


This is a free application for iPhone connected with huge movie database on internet. If you want to get any info about the movies from its cast to reviews. Then from IMDb, there is no better source of getting info about.

Movie Lingo:

This application is also free to get for iPhone. This movies contains different sound clips from the movies. You just shake your iPhone to change the track and try to guess that from which movie it is.

Grab It:

This application is about the premiers of latest movies and their trailers. If anyone want to know about the movies show near to his home or block then it will provide you every type on information that you want.


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