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Facebook block deletion service

Facebook a "Social Networking Giant" has block the removal of profile services offered by "Web 2.0 Suicide Machine".
This is website which offers users to delete their profile from facebook. But what it does was the change of account password and removal of friends connection instead. was another site with the same services. This site claims that everyone has a right to be disconnected from online life. Seppukoo is running on a Unix server with Apache 2.0.
This site collects the user name and password of clients and remove their details from facebook. Seppukoo means equivalent to suicide extracted from a Japanese phrase Seppuku. In November 2009 facebook lawyers issued a letter "cease and desist" to
Facebook called it the violation of its services by gathering their user information and changes in their profile with unauthentic use. Facebook has its own services for those users who don't want to use facebook services anymore.    


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