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Store your files with Google Docs

Now the days of forgetting your files at office system are over. Don't get mad if you have presentation tomorrow and your files are not with you or you have forgotten them in your home laptop.
Google docs is a network file storing service provided by Google. Now Google has added more storage in it. File size of 250MB can be uploaded through Google Docs and later you can access it from anywhere you are. Google is initially proving a space of 1GB free for its users. If you want to get more space then you will be charged $.25 as per additional GB.
Uploaded documents can be searched, and many common document files types can be viewed via Google Docs viewer. A plus point for using this service is its sharing with your coworkers and friends. You can set permissions to specific folder and your friends will be able to view your files and can edit them if they have permission to do so.


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